
What is asthma? Causes, Symptoms and Homeopathic Treatments

Asthma is a habitual respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, which leads to difficulty breathing. Individuals with asthma experience repeated attacks of gasping, briefness of breath, coughing, and chest blockage. These symptoms are often triggered by exposure to certain substances or environmental factors, making the airways hypersensitive and prone to inflammation.

The airways in the lungs are made up of small tubes called bronchi and bronchioles. In asthmatic cases, these airways get blocked and may induce more and more mucus, causing the muscles associated with them to constrict. The combination of inflammation, mucus secretion, and muscle contraction causes a limited flow of air, making it hard for the affected person to breathe effectively.

What are the causes of asthma?

The exact cause of asthma isn’t completely understood, as it’s likely to be affected by a combination of inheritable and environmental factors. Several factors contribute to the development of asthma, and these can vary from person to person. Then here is a list of some common causes and threat factors associated with asthma.

  1. Genetic and Environmental Factors: Asthma is affected by inheritable proclivity and exposure to environmental triggers. Both factors play a part in the development and indication of asthma.
  1. Family History: Individuals with a family history of asthma are at increased risk of developing the condition. The presence of asthma in a parent, especially, raises the possibility of its occurrence in the offspring.
  1. Respiratory infections: Severe respiratory infections during early years can contribute to the development of asthma. Infections similar to the common cold wave and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can lead to inflammation and increased reactivity in the airways.
  1. Allergies: Allergic conditions, including eczema, food disinclinations, and hay fever, are linked to the development of asthma. The body’s adverse response can extend to the respiratory system, leading to inflammation and asthma symptoms.
  1. Exposure to tobacco response: Both early-age exposure to tobacco smoke and mother smoking during gestation are associated with an advanced threat of asthma. The dangerous factors of tobacco smoke can irritate the airways and contribute to the development of respiratory issues.
  1. Premature birth and low birth weight: Being born before the usual time or with a low birth weight increases the chances of developing asthma. Early birth can affect the development of the respiratory system, making people more susceptible to respiratory conditions.
  1. Occupational Exposure: Some people may develop asthma due to exposure to certain chemical annoyances, industrial specks of dust, and other substances in the work environment. This type of asthma, known as occupational asthma, is initiated by specific work-related conditions.
  1. Air Pollution: Exposure to air adulterants, similar to ozone and city air pollution, is associated with an increased threat of asthma. Poor air quality can contribute to respiratory inflammation and asthma symptoms.
  1. Obesity: Both children and adults who are healthy weight or fat are at a higher threat of developing asthma. The mechanisms linking obesity and asthma are complex, involving inflammation and altered respiratory function.
  2. Other Triggers: Asthma symptoms can also be initiated by multiple factors, including airborne allergens( like pollen and pet dander), physical movements, cold air, certain remedies, strong sentiments and stress, and certain food additives such as sulfites and preservatives.

What are the symptoms of asthma?

Asthma is characterized by a wide range of respiratory symptoms. These symptoms might vary in intensity and occur intermittently. Common asthma symptoms include:

  1. Shortness of Breathe: This symptom is characterized by a feeling of difficulty breathing as if there is not enough air reaching the lungs. It can be activated by the contraction of airways, making it difficult to breathe in and exhale naturally.
  1. Coughing: Non-stop coughing is a common asthma symptom, particularly at night or when exposed to triggers. This cough can be non-productive or may produce mucus. It’s the body’s response to annoyance and inflammation in the airways.
  1. Wheezing: Breathing audibly or noisily is a distinctive sound that occurs during breathing, frequently like a squeaky noise. It’s most observable when exhaling and is caused by the narrowing of the airways, leading to the turbulent inflow of air.
  1. Chest tightness or pain: People with asthma may witness a sensation of blocking or pain in the chest. It’s frequently described as feeling like a band is blocking the chest. This symptom is a result of the muscles around the airways constricting.
  1. Rapid Breathing: Asthma can lead to an increased respiratory rate, causing the affected person to breathe faster than normal. This fast breathing is a response to the body’s trouble to compensate for reduced flow of air.
  1. Sighing: Deep, audible breaths or coughing can be a sign of asthma. Sighing may happen as the body attempts to increase oxygen input by breathing naturally.
  1. Fatigue: The attempt needed to breathe during asthma symptoms can lead to fatigue. Feeling tired or exhausted is common, especially during or after an asthma attack.
  1. Inability to exercise properly: Asthma can hamper the capability to engage in physical exercise, leading to difficulty in performing normal routine exercises similar to walking or running. Exercise induces asthma, a specific type of asthma activated by physical exertion.
  1. Difficulty in Sleeping: Asthma symptoms frequently worsen at night, leading to trouble sleeping. Briefness of breath, coughing, and gasping can disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to fatigue during the day.
  1. Anxiety or Panic: Feeling anxious or panicked is a common response during an asthma attack. The struggle to breathe can induce a sense of fear or anxiety, in addition to disturbing respiratory pain.

It’s pivotal to note that asthma symptoms can vary in harshness and frequency. They may happen in response to specific triggers, similar to allergens or physical movements, and can also manifest at different times, including during exercise or at night. 

Monitoring symptoms is essential, and people suspecting asthma or contact with a worsening of symptoms should seek prompt medical attention. A healthcare professional can give a proper checkup, develop a personalized treatment plan, and offer guidance on managing asthma effectively.

Homeopathic Treatments of Asthma

Homeopathic treatments for asthma involve the use of largely diluted substances deduced from nature, like plants, minerals, or creatures, aiming to stimulate the body’s self-recovery mechanisms. It’s important to note that while some people find relief with homeopathic remedies, these shouldn’t replace conventional medical treatments. 

Always consult with a good healthcare professional before starting any new treatment. If I suggest Dr. Pratibha Tanwar is one of the best homeopathy doctors,. If you want permanent solutions to your problems, do contact her. Here are a few points that generally use homeopathic remedies for asthma: 

  1. Arsenicum Album: This remedy is frequently recommended for people with asthma who witness anxiety and restlessness along with respiratory symptoms. It may help relieve gasping, briefness of breath, and coughing.
  1. Antimonium Tart: Antimonium Tartaricum, generally known as Antimony Tartar, is a homeopathic remedy deduced from a mixture of antimony and potassium tartrate. This remedy is frequently considered for individuals facing asthma symptoms characterized by a rattling cough, extreme mucus production, and difficulty breathing. 
  1. Spongia Tosta: Spongia Tosta is useful for asthma with a dry, barking cough and gasping. Symptoms may worsen at night and ease with warmth. It’s frequently recommended for individuals with a sensation of lack of moisture in the air passages.
  1. Ipecac: This remedy is indicated for asthma with constant coughing, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Symptoms may worsen with any action, and existing people may feel a constant condensation in the chest.
  1. Natrum Sulphuricum: Individuals who develop asthma symptoms in damp or sticky conditions may profit from Natrum Sulphuricum. It’s also indicated that asthma is activated by exposure to the fungus or living in damp surroundings.
  1. Tuberculinum: Tuberculinum is a homeopathic remedy deduced from the tuberculosis bacillus, and it’s considered for individuals with a history of tuberculosis or a tubercular miasm. In homeopathy, the term” miasm” refers to an inherited inclination or vulnerability to a certain illness.


In conclusion, asthma is a respiratory condition that significantly impacts the lives of millions worldwide, leading to breathing difficulties and a reduced quality of life. Characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, asthma presents diverse symptoms similar to briefness of breath, coughing, gasping, chest blocking, and fatigue. While conventional treatments involve bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory medicines, there’s a growing interest in different approaches, like homeopathic treatments.

Homeopathic remedies originate from natural sources and are largely adulterated, aiming to stimulate the body’s self-mending mechanisms. Generally used homeopathic remedies for asthma include Arsenicum Album, Antimonium Tartaricum, Spongia Tosta, Ipecac, Natrum Sulphuricum, and Tuberculinum, each based on individual symptoms and indigenous features.

For those seeking a holistic and individualized approach to asthma control, consulting with experts like Dr. Pratibha Tanwar, a famed homeopathic expert, can offer knowledge and results for long-term relief. By combining conventional and other approaches, individuals can achieve comprehensive asthma management and ease their overall well-being.


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